Most of us want to be liked. We want others to think we are nice, kind, sweet, friendly, and so on. Constantly fighting for the approval of others. Since childhood, some of us have been trying to get approval. It usually starts with the approval of your parents, especially if they were the type ... READ the POST
Job Interview + Anxiety=Bad Recipe For a Win!
You’ve got a big job interview coming up. This could be it! Your one shot at the perfect job. Feeling anxious yet? Do you get anxious about the very idea of a job interview? Do you worry your nerves will get in the way of impressing your interviewer? If so, you are definitely not alone. In a ... READ the POST
Having a Hard Time With Forgiveness ?
Expressing your forgiveness directly to the person who hurt you isn’t always necessary, or you simply can not. Forgiving someone is for your OWN benefit, not theirs. Forgiveness is the release of thoughts and feelings that have kept you tied to the past. This CAN be done without the other ... READ the POST