It does not matter if you have millions in the bank, a great social life, or even a great family because if you are not in a good place with yourself and with your mindset, you are empty! (Sorry if that hurt!)
What always amazes me is how much people are willing to do for the companies they work for. Stay up late, miss major family events, go to work sick, take on major anxiety and stress to meet a deadline, have a panic attack before meetings or presentations but still show up…pretty much anything to impress the boss or look good in front of others.
Then when it comes to YOURSELF, you do pretty much nothing!
Maybe your diet sucks, or you never exercise, or maybe you do those but never work on your mental health. You lack confidence but keep living with it, you have anxiety but just push through on pilot mode, you have a major fear of judgment but silently push through daily, or you have just become a numb ball of issues.
Why? Why is working for someone whom you are just a number so much more important than yourself? Why do you invest countless hours on a job, but when it comes to yourself you are “too busy”?
Think about it…in 2021 CHOOSE YOU for a change and see what it does for you!
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